As food manufacturers wrestle with reducing their carbon footprint, sustainable labels and tags are often way down the list of priorities. Whilst some Technical Managers may feel that improving label sustainability is not a priority, others are realising that small changes in label specifications can represent quick wins.
In this article we explore the ways we are helping food manufacturers meet their green goals:
Sustainable label substrates
Most Technical Managers in the know are aware that the number of sustainable label materials available on the market has been growing exponentially. What they may not know is that, as a major purchaser of such materials, Piroto Labelling are now able to source many sustainable materials at price parity with less green options.
Importantly, with price barriers removed, or at least minimised, we have been widely testing the suitability of sustainable label substrates in a food environment. Results have been excellent so far, encouraging more and more customers to consider the shift.
With a long list of sustainable label materials now available, and growing, our technical team are well versed in the options and their properties.
Thinner label substrates and backing papers
In a bid to improve sustainability in the label industry, thinner label substrates and backing materials are now on the market. Our Senior Project Manager has been assessing the environmental impact of reducing label weight, and the results have been little short of astonishing.
The benefits of thinner backing papers and substrates are far reaching. Thinner, lighter labels means more labels on a roll, fewer roll changes, less label packaging materials, and lower transportation costs, to name but a few. And if you think these improvements would be a drop in the ocean when it comes to moving your business to net zero, you might be surprised by the data.
Reducing the size of your label
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. A tweak here and there to your label or tag size can often mean more economical use of the label substrate and less wastage. Naturally we aren’t suggesting compromising your traceability system, therefore a small-scale trial may be advisable before making the switch.
Furthermore, by moving from handwritten to printed traceability labels or tags, you could improve your system at the same time as moving to a smaller label.
Eco adhesives and sustainable inks
Beyond improving your label substrates to help meet your green targets, so inks and adhesives have a part to play too.
There is, of course, an important balance to be had between label sustainability and label performance. Again, the variables can be rigorously trialled, and the optimum combination of label substrate, ink and adhesive found.
Reducing Scope 3 emissions with a sustainability-minded labelling partner
Whilst most food manufacturers are still grappling with scope 1 & 2 emissions, choosing a labelling partner with good eco credentials, like Piroto Labelling, will be a good investment.
By working in partnership with your label and tag provider, and sharing your environmental ambitions, you can be sure that every opportunity to improve your carbon emissions is explored.
Talk to us about your environmental aims and we’ll be happy to offer advice on how your label specification can contribute to your targets.